The principles and practice of delivery have been applied in the Kenyan devolved context for two electoral cycles (from 2013 to 2022) through the County Delivery System as established by the Governors in the first (2013–2017) and second cycle (2017–2022) of devolution. Valuable lessons can now be drawn from the experience of the 27 county governments who, over the course of the past nine years, established Service Delivery Units to accelerate the full implementation of county development agendas in line with the Governors’ campaign manifesto, the County Integrated Development Plans, the medium-term plans of Vision 2030 and the Big 4 Agenda.
On 5 August 2021, the Council of Governors – in close collaboration with the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change’s Kenya team (TBI) – hosted a County Delivery Exchange that revealed the impact of the County Delivery System, as integrated into county governance structures in supporting efforts towards the full implementation of development agendas. The County Delivery Exchange also highlighted gaps and challenges that, if addressed by relevant county governance actors and stakeholders, can transform the delivery landscape and accelerate progress on development agendas at the county level.
The policy brief and comprehensive report published here have been developed using insights from the 2021 County Delivery Exchange. They document the existing and emerging issues related to the delivery practice in the devolved context from 2017 to date, and make recommendations on how to enhance current and future delivery policy and practice within the framework of the County Delivery System.
The policy brief and comprehensive report were co-authored by Margaret Muthama of TBI and Ken Olouch and Dorah Wawudah of the Council of Governors.