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Executive Leadership

Leading with ambition and optimism


Unlocking potential for countries, citizens and our team

We have led countries, businesses, NGOs, think-tanks and charities. We have advised presidents and assisted prime ministers. Working alongside our global team of expert changemakers, we are focused on transforming countries and changing lives.

Tony Blair

Executive Chairman

Former Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Tony Blair founded TBI on the belief that a country’s success and ability to enact transformational change is dependent on the effectiveness of its leadership and governance.

Under Tony’s direction, TBI works with political leaders around the world to create real change for their people by advising on strategy, policy and delivery – with technology as an enabler of all three.

Catherine Rimmer

Chief Executive Officer

Catherine leads our global team as we work to help governments worldwide build more open, inclusive and prosperous countries for their people. She also serves on our board. ‍ Catherine has been our CEO since our inception in 2016, overseeing huge growth and meaningful impact, including our groundbreaking Covid-19 work, our work to assist countries on their constitutional reforms and our work to set a new policy agenda for the Future of Britain.